Collection: Extras

Books, Games, Sex Toy Cleaners & Many More!

Here you can find our collection of adult reading materials that will help you fulfill, excited and enhance your sexual lifestyle. Novelty games for fun and amusement and other sexy materials to boost your party appetite. Kegel balls are used for strengthening the pelvic floor muscles and reducing urinary or faecal leakage. It is also used for reducing the risk of a pelvic organ prolapse, assisting in regaining muscle toning and strength post-childbirth and improving vaginal blood flow and increasing vaginal health.

Extra categories of sex toys, here you can find our collection of adult reading materials that will help you fulfill, excited and enhance your sexual lifestyle. Novelty games for fun and amusement and other sexy materials to boost your party appetite. Machines that thrusts like robots and furniture to aid better sexual experience.

More materials for you to choose from, books that has reached every bookshelves in the market. Magazines that will thrill your senses. Novelty games to excite your mood.